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Being Nobody (The Witness Series #1) Page 9

  I swallowed as I nodded and directed my gaze to the now exposed skin. The solid black ink was beautiful the way it curved around his thigh and hipbone. It swirled all along the strong muscles of his breathtaking V as if it was a roadmap leading to the Promised Land. I licked my lips, and reached out slowly to trace it. When my fingers brushed the smooth skin, I watched his abs contract. Sound rumbled from his chest, and he rolled so he was flat on his back. “Does it mean anything?” I whispered.

  “It can mean anything you want it to if you keep touching it like that,” he groaned as his eyes fluttered closed.

  “Why did you get it?” I shifted on the bed to get a closer look. I was trying to be mindful of the fact that he was hurt, but as I inched closer to his hip his cock throbbed and jerked where it was barely hidden under the grey fabric. “Can we get these out of the way?” I tugged the grey boxers down his hips the rest of way, and tossed them to the floor. “I want to explore.” He moaned in approval, and shifted impossibly closer to my side.

  “Mallory, I…” he began, but as I leaned forward and kissed the tip his question turned into a hiss.

  I giggled lightly as I wrapped my fingers around him and squeezed gently before leaning down to run my tongue up the length of him. His hips jacked forward as a muttered curse dropped from his lips. I held the power here, and I loved it. “Now who’s in charge,” I mumbled against the shaft as I swirled my tongue around the end.

  “Oh shit,” he panted when I moved to slip him completely between my lips. I hollowed my cheeks as I worked him over using a combination of my hand and my tongue. “Mallory,” he begged. “Slow…down,” it came out in gasps as he struggled to hold on. This only spurred me on, and as I sank down on him, pulling him impossibly deeper, I glanced in the direction of his face. It was screwed up tight in barely restrained pleasure as he fisted the sheets beside his hips. His chest rose and fell in quick succession as his breathing increased. I knew with his injured ribs that he had to be in pain, but when I moved to pull away, he threaded his fingers in my hair and encouraged me to continue.

  “Oh god, Mallory…I’m gonna...” he tugged at my hair. “If you don’t want me to,” he fumbled as he reached for me again. I shook my head as I batted his hands away, and wrapped my arms around his thighs, sinking down once again. That last bit of suction was all it took. It all happened in a matter of seconds. His cock swelled as he became even more aroused, and right on the cusp of his orgasm, I tightened my grip on his thighs, and hollowed my cheeks one last time before I felt him explode.

  When I finished, I let him pop free from my mouth as I grinned up at him. This strong man before me had been reduced to mush. He was lying there completely sated and his dark eyes glistened with satisfaction. One hand was draped over his middle as the other played with my hair. “Feel better?” I giggled as I slid further up the bed.

  “I don’t…” he shook his head as he tried to put a sentence together. “Baby, I don’t have words for what I’m feeling right now.”

  “Good,” I gave a quick nod as I snuggled into his side.

  Just as I was getting ready to fall back asleep he startled me, “Don’t think that I’m not going to return the favor. If I wasn’t so hurt right now…I’d have you naked, on your back, all day.”

  I swallowed, “I have to work later.”

  “Baby…plan to stay home tomorrow,” he commanded.

  “Tomorrow?” I peered up at him.

  “I’m a quick healer, and I plan to have my way with you tomorrow. No interruptions, no friends, no work…nothing’s going to bother us, and by the end of the day…I’m going have you so sore you’ll think nothing of what I’m going through right now.”

  “Is that a threat?” I propped myself up to look into his eyes.

  “No, that’s a promise,” his eyes darkened as he blatantly perused my body. My nipples had hardened as I’d listened to him, and he now was getting a front row seat to my frustration. “Turned on, Mallory?” he gave me an amused smile.

  “That’s just mean,” I scowled as he chuckled.

  “Remember this for later,” he rubbed his knuckles over my breast. “Delaying the pleasure makes it that much better when you experience it.”

  “I’ll remind you of that next time,” I grumbled as I yanked back the covers and stomped toward the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” He called after me.

  “None of your business,” I shouted as I closed myself in the bathroom and leaned against the door. After waiting a few minutes and not having him come after me, I pulled open the bottom drawer to the vanity and grabbed B.O.B. If Brian wasn’t going to help me out, then I knew I could count on B.O.B. “Delaying the pleasure, my ass,” I muttered as I flicked B.O.B. to life and got down to business. I was not spending the day all wound up. I’d had enough days like that lately.

  Chapter 12

  “What do want to do today?” Brian called as he carried a pizza box over to the bed. We’d been locked in my apartment for a week. I’d worked a few shifts, but other than that I hadn’t left his side. Brian had been refused to go home several days ago, and as the days turned into a week, he’d practically moved in.

  “I don’t know,” I looked around at the mess we’d been living in. Food containers were piled on the counter and the small kitchen table, clothes were strewn everywhere, and both our phones were sitting on the night table where we’d left them when we’d turned them off seven days ago. “The world’s still out there, you know? We’re going to have to join it again, soon.”

  “I almost don’t want to turn that thing on,” Brian’s head nodded in the direction of his cell. “Who knows how many times George has tried to call.”

  “George?” I cocked my head to the side as I lifted a piece of pizza to my lips.

  “My boss…” Brian looked away. Whenever anything about George or any of the other guys came up, he wouldn’t look at me. It was like it was painful for him. I guessed it was because of the secrets, lies, whatever you wanted to call them. I knew for me, it was hard. I didn’t like hiding who I was to someone who was beginning to mean so much to me, but I knew that Brian couldn’t ignore his life forever.

  “Won’t they be angry if you don’t start answering your phone?” I stared at him, willing him to talk to me.

  He blew out a breath, “Yeah.”

  “So… don’t you think you should?” I nudged him with my elbow.

  “Probably…” he trailed off, but before he could say anything else a cell rang.

  “What’s that?” I darted my eyes around. It wasn’t a ringtone that I recognized. “I thought you turned it off?”

  “I did,” Brian scrambled off the bed almost crashing to the floor as his feet tangled in the sheets. He crawled across our mess, and began tearing through the pile of clothes on the floor. As the cell continued to ring, Brian became more frantic, and watching him was putting me on edge. After a few more seconds, he retrieved a small phone from his jeans pocket. Shock and then indifference washed over his face as he pushed a few buttons to connect the call. “Hello,” he snapped into the phone.

  I widened my eyes in question as I watched him get to his feet. I had no idea who he was talking to, or why he had two phones, and the most frustrating part was the fact that he was trying to hide the conversation.

  “Yeah. Un huh. I know. I said I know!” He began to pace the small space near my door. “I can’t right now. I said I can’t right now!” He growled. “I’m busy. Yeah,” he shook his head as he used his free hand to run his fingers through his hair. He gave it a few hard yanks before glancing in my direction. “I’m gonna have to call you back, Dad,” he stressed the last word as he watched me. I’m sure he was looking for a reaction from me, or maybe dreading the questions that I was going to be asking when he hung up. I wasn’t really sure, and the fact that I’d yet to take him by to meet my mom, I couldn’t say that I blamed him. “I said I’m busy. I’m with somebody. Yeah. Ok. Later,” he snapped the phone closed, a
nd looked over at me with what seemed like pain in his eyes. “I have to go home for a little while. I’ll come back tonight. I promise,” he muttered as he began picking up his clothes, and dressing himself.

  “Who was that?” I watched him nimbly move around my apartment. Over the last week, his injuries had healed enough that you would never have known that he’d been hurt.

  He huffed as he tugged his shirt over his head, “My dad.” He left it that, and I decided not to press him. I knew he’d tell me when he was ready. Over the last week, he’d told me more than I ever thought he would. He grew up on the east coast, had an older brother, graduated high school early, lost his mom when he was little, and worked two jobs to buy his bike which was now his prized possession. I didn’t tell him much about me. I told him I moved around a lot as a kid, my mom lived nearby, and that I didn’t go to college. I told him I lost my dad not too long ago, and not a day went by that I didn’t think of him. Truth be told, we’d shared a lot with each other. I felt like I was sharing more with him than I should, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted us to be as close as we could, despite all the obstacles currently in our way.

  When Brian finished dressing, he came over to where I was sitting cross-legged on the bed, “I’m sorry, but I have to do this now. He can be a pain in my ass, but I can’t ignore him.”

  “It’s ok,” I smiled softly. “I really should go into work today, anyway. I knew this would end sooner or later.”

  “How ‘bout I pick you up tonight and we stay at my place?” he grinned as he pecked my nose.

  “Sure,” I shrugged.

  “Text me when you’re ready to go, and I’ll stop by,” he called as he began sliding his arm into his leather jacket.

  “Which number do I use?” I snapped. I knew I didn’t have a right to be pissed, but the fact that he had two phones bothered me. Why did he have two phones, and why did I just find out about them?

  “Mallory,” he warned as he placed his hand on the doorknob. He kept his back to me as he paused. “I told you…there are things I can’t talk about.”

  “Phones, Brian? You can’t talk about phones?” I squeaked. “Seriously?”

  “It’s work related,” he sighed as he turned the knob and stepped forward. “Just text me when you’re done.”

  “Whatever,” I muttered.

  After he left, I sat there just thinking. I didn’t know what was bothering me so much. We’d agreed a few days ago that we wouldn’t push the other to talk about anything that they didn’t want to, and this was obviously something that he didn’t want to talk about. I flopped backwards on the bed, and stared at the ceiling. Was I really going to be able to do this? Let him leave with no explanation whenever his phone rang? Head back to the people who had hurt him in the first place? Risk his life? He’d said ‘Dad’ when he was talking, but the look on his face said he was lying. Was I really ok with that? The answer was no, but I knew that at the moment that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted. I learned early in life what it meant to sacrifice, and it seemed that the universe had made it its mission remind me daily of my situation.


  “So, how are things with you and ‘The Badass’?” Tiff grinned as she began organizing the beer cooler. It was a slow night and I knew Tori would be letting her leave soon.

  “Why do you call him that?” I paused in my wiping of the counter and popped my hip.

  “Well,” she rolled her eyes “you won’t tell me his name.”

  “It’s Brian, and I thought I had,” I flipped my hand in the air.

  “No, you hadn’t, but that’s ok. You’ve been kinda busy whenever the two of you have been in here,” she giggled as she closed the cooler. “So?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Things are good,” I mumbled and started to turn away from her. The truth was, I was still bothered by the phone call this morning, but I knew that I wasn’t going to get an answer. I wasn’t sure which bothered me more, the fact that he’d lied to my face or that he raced off after telling me he wanted to stay in bed all day.

  “Really?” She smirked as she scanned the patrons in the bar. “By the look on your face I’d say they aren’t as good as you’d like them to be.”

  “Am I that transparent?” I flung the rag into the soapy water bucket sitting under the bar.

  “No, I just haven’t seen you this down in a while. What’d he do?” She giggled as she asked.

  “I don’t know really. It’s just a feeling. He got a call today, and he said it was his dad, but…” I trailed off as she watched me.

  “But you think it was someone else,” she reached out to touch my arm.

  “I don’t know what I think. It’s just the way he looked at me while he was on the call. It was on a phone I didn’t know about, and when it started ringing…he went nuts. It was like he was afraid I was going to answer it or something,” I shook my head as I glanced out the window. “I want to trust him, but you’ve seen the people he hangs out with.”

  “Ok, so you don’t like his friends, you don’t like his job, and you think he’s lying to you,” she gripped my shoulders and turned me to face her. “Why are you with him, Mal?”

  “I think I love him,” I whispered.

  “Huh?” Tiff’s mouth dropped open.

  “I can’t explain it. I know it sounds nuts. We haven’t known each other that long, and we’re complete opposites,” I whined and I began to fidget. I’d never spilled my guts like this before, and I didn’t know why I was doing it now. “It’s as if I’m drawn to him. He makes me feel things that I haven’t felt in a long time. When we’re together,” I took a deep breath before continuing “it’s like he’s a different person. I can’t explain it.”

  “You’re in love with him,” she nodded.

  “You think?” I rolled my eyes. “I just told you that.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “You said you thought you loved him. I can tell by listening to you that you do love him. There’s no thinking here, only the truth. You love him, and you need to tell him. If you think he’s hiding something from you, then you need to tell him this. Make him see that he needs to trust you. Let him in,” she urged. “I know you have a hard time with that. Hell, I’ve known you for three months, and this is the most we’ve talked.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m just not the type to spill my guts to people,” I reached out and hugged her. I squeezed her tighter than I probably should, and murmured in her ear, “Thanks.”

  “No problem,” she giggled. “Now, I’m outta here. You’re never going to make any money if I don’t leave.”

  “Yeah, leave,” I teased. “See you Friday.”

  “Friday?” she cocked her head to the side.

  “Yeah, I have tomorrow off,” I grinned. “I think I might go see my mom.”

  “Take Brian with you,” she smiled. “Show him you’re serious. Make him see you’re taking a step to open up. Make him want to open up to you,” she encouraged.

  “I might just do that. Thanks,” I waved as she headed out the door leaving me to close up for the night.

  As the hours ticked by, my confidence began to build. It was time for me to show Brian I was serious. Meeting my mom was a big step, bigger than he’d realize. My mom, however, would completely understand what it meant. She’d see that I was serious about him, and hopefully help me figure out what to do. I knew I was taking a risk, and I hoped when she saw the tattoo on his wrist, she wouldn’t freak. I hoped she trusted me enough to listen to what I had to say, and didn’t call Kevin to report who I was mixed up with.

  With renewed confidence, I picked up my cell and texted Brian.

  I’m ready. Come get me.

  Brian: On my way

  I grinned at my phone’s screen like a fool as I locked the register and grabbed my purse. Tonight I would tell him…tell him I loved him. I only hoped he’d say it back, because if he didn’t…it just might break me, and I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.

Chapter 13

  “How was work?” Brian wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he led me into the elevator at his apartment.

  “It was ok, not very busy tonight,” I shrugged as I glanced over at him and smiled. “I might need to look into getting another job. I’m cutting it real close to not making rent next month.”

  “I can help you out if you need it,” he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that,” I murmured as we stepped out of the elevator and began walking down the dark hall towards his door.

  “Why not?” Brian unlocked the door, and led us inside. “I can afford it, and I thought we were building something here.”

  “We are,” I mumbled. “Maybe you could hook me up with a job.”

  “No! No way!” he growled. “I’ll help you in any way I can accept that.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll have to talk to Tori and see if she’ll add some shifts to my schedule.”

  “You’re there every day as it is,” he rolled his eyes. “How the hell do you think you can work more?”

  “I’ll figure it out. I always have, and I always will,” I pulled my hoodie over my head and tossed it on the nearby couch. After stepping out of my shoes, I turned to grin at him, “Nice change of scenery you got going on here.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” he smirked as he shrugged out of his leather jacket and began stalking over to me. “I like the look of you surrounded by my things,” his eyes darkened as he licked his lips. “You know what would make it even better?”

  “What’s that?” I swallowed as I stepped back until the backs of my legs hit the couch.

  “You…naked…and spread open… lying on that couch right there,” his chin pointed to the sofa I was leaning against as he reached down to grip his shirt and rip it off his body.

  His chest rose and fell in quick pants as he worked to hold himself back. The restraint on his face was evident as he continued to move forward, removing one item at a time. By the time he reached me, he was standing there in only a pair of navy boxer-briefs. I broke eye contact for a moment to scan his magnificent body. The muscles of his jaw flexed as he ground his teeth together. He swallowed and then pointed at me, “Take it off, Mallory.”