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Being Nobody (The Witness Series #1) Page 3

  Chapter 3

  “I love you, Emily,” Dev pressed a light kiss to my forehead as he wrapped his arms around me. “I wish you didn’t have to go,” he murmured.

  I’d broken the one rule of our lifestyle. I’d told Dev I was leaving. I lied about when and where we were going. As far as he knew, we still had a week before I’d move away. I didn’t tell him I was leaving that night…that when he woke up the next morning, I’d be gone. He didn’t know that he’d never see me again, and that Emily Chambers wouldn’t exist. He wouldn’t be able to look me up, or come visit me like I promised. I was going to disappear into thin air and leave him behind.

  “I love you, too,” I sobbed as I buried my face in his chest. “We’ll keep in touch,” I lied as I sniffed and wiped at my eyes. “I’ll call you later,” I pulled out of his arms and began walking in the direction of my home. When I got there, the dark van was parked in the driveway waiting for me. I climbed in, and my family and I were whisked away, never to return to New York.

  I awoke with a start and, as I began to reorient myself with my surroundings, I soon realized it was all a dream. I was still in bed in my tiny apartment, and the memories that had been so vivid only moments ago, began to settle in the back of my head. I rolled to the side, and bunched my pillow up as I let a single tear fall. My brain had been plagued with memories for most of the night. Dev had been center stage in most of them, and now I was wondering if hanging around at the bar was a good idea. Brian looked so much like him, it was as if we’d never parted and I had him back. He wasn’t exactly the same, but there were things about him that mirrored Dev, like the way he sat in his seat, the way his lip curled up on one side of his mouth when he smiled, and the way he looked at me as if he could see through the bullshit. His big brown eyes, the way he tried to look tough but you could tell it was all an act…I knew there was something about him…something that made me want to get closer, but stay away all at the same time. Brian was making me remember what I gave up, even though he didn’t know it yet. He was unknowingly giving me Dev back.

  As I battled with idea of avoiding him, and seeking him out, my phone chimed and I practically leaped out of bed. I scrambled to the edge of the bed and reached for the phone laying on the night table. My legs tangled in the sheets causing me to almost tumble off the mattress and onto the floor.

  “Hello,” I panted as I pressed it to my ear.

  “Mal? You ok?” Tori’s voice held question as it sounded through the phone.

  “Yeah…sorry…I was sleeping,” I yawned into the phone and my heartbeat began to slow to its normal rhythm.

  “You sure?” She paused as if she was waiting for something.

  “What do you need, Tori?” I grumbled, slightly annoyed.

  “Wanna work lunch today? Lauren called in,” she sighed as she waited for my response. I knew she was worried I’d say no. I’d practically worked all day yesterday, and was scheduled to work a double tomorrow and the next day.

  “Tori…” I rubbed my eyes before flopping back on my pillow. “I worked all day yesterday.”

  “I know, but Tiff can’t come in until the dinner shift. We’re going to be shorthanded today,” she was begging at this point, and being the person I was, I couldn’t turn her down.

  “Fine,” I groaned. “What time?”

  “Noon?” I could tell she was smiling through the phone. She’d known she had me as soon as she’d said that Tiff couldn’t come in until later. The only other bartender that she had on staff was a guy named Jeff. He was unreliable, and she’d been itching to fire him for a while, but had been holding off as she tried to find someone to replace him.

  “Alright, I’ll be there at noon.” I took a deep breath before disconnecting the call. After tossing my phone back in the general direction of the night table, I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I had no desire to go into work on the one day that I had off. The only thing that was keeping me from exploding in frustration was the idea of running into Brian. I had no idea if he would be back, but if he was, it wouldn’t be so bad. It might even help me pass the time during the lunch shift. Lunch was always slower, and those of us that worked it, had begged Tori to stop opening for lunch, but she insisted that we needed to. Knowing that I needed to get up and get ready, I forced myself from the bed, and made my way toward the shower. The quicker I got there, the quicker I could finish and come back home.


  “Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” Tori gave me a quick wave when I breezed through the door.

  “Welcome,” I shrugged as I tossed my purse under the bar, and reached for a bottle opener to stuff in my pocket. I hadn’t even been there for ten minutes when I heard him.

  “Do you ever go home?” A deep voice from behind me caused every muscle in my body to tighten.

  “No,” I blew out a breath. “Didn’t I tell you…I live here,” I turned and grinned at him as I reached into the cooler beside me and grabbed a Sam Adams. “Are you stalking me?” I gave him a flirty smile as I slid the bottle in front of him.

  “I told you I’d come back.” he shifted on the stool slightly as he shrugged out of his leather jacket.

  “I didn’t think you meant the next day,” I laughed as I turned and began straightening bottles.

  “Well…” he paused. “I have a confession to make,” he lifted the bottle to his lips and took a sip before continuing. “I was across the street with some buddies when I saw you come in here. So I decided to come over and say hi.”

  “What?” I gasped as panic began to settle in my stomach. “Why are you watching me, Brian?” I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I want to be your friend.” He arched an eyebrow as he stared at me. “You won’t let me. I figured if I hung around enough, you’d eventually let me.”

  “Un huh,” I mumbled and nodded as I chewed the inside of my cheek.

  “Is it working?” He teased.

  “Not really,” I teased back. “I’m not into stalkers.” Even though I was kidding when I said it, the idea of being stalked wasn’t new to me. In a way, I’d been stalked all my life. Someone’s always been following me; I’ve just managed to stay one step ahead each time. I knew he didn’t know this, but the truth in my words was quite frightening.

  “So when do you get off today?” Brian glanced around at the empty bar before letting his eyes settle back on me.

  Deciding to up the ante, I grinned as I leaned forward so I could lower my voice, “I already did, twice in fact.” I leaned back and smiled as I watched his eyes darken.

  He curled his finger in the air beckoning me to come closer once again and his voice came out in a raspy whisper, “You ever seen what happens to a bull when you taunt him?”

  I bit down on my lower lip and shook my head slowly as I placed my elbows on the bar and leaned closer.

  “He charges and shows no mercy,” Brian groaned as he watched me release my lip and heard me suck in a breath. “You’re playing with a bull here, Mallory, and he’s only got so much restraint.”

  “I’ll remember that,” it came out in a whisper, and before I could act on all the lust that was raging through my body, I backed away and began trying to busy myself.

  “So,” he tipped his head back and drained the remaining portion of his beer. “Got any plans tonight?”

  “Umm,” I giggled. “Sleeping mainly. I don’t get to do much of that,” I sighed as I tossed the rag that was in my hand to the side. “You don’t realize how much I’m here. I practically live here. I don’t have a life outside this bar.”

  “Can I help you change that?” He smiled and shook his head when I reached out to offer him another beer. “Listen, Mallory,” he stood and began sliding into his leather jacket. “I know we just met, but I want to know you better. I’d love to take you for a ride sometime. Get a bite to eat…maybe sit and talk?”

  “A ride?” I swallowed. He was dressed the part and carried the helmet, but I’d yet to see a

  “Yeah…I’ve got a sweet Yamaha sitting out there. We could cruise all over the city,” he shrugged before leaning over to grab the helmet off the floor. “Think about it.”

  “I don’t think it’d be a good idea,” I frowned.

  “Sure it would,” Tori called from behind me.

  I jumped and spun around to face her. My mouth dropped open as I watched her smirk at me. “What?” She cocked her head to the side? You never go out…you don’t date…I think you should go with him…he’s hot.”

  “See,” Brian chuckled. “I’m hot…you should come with me.”

  “Tori,” I growled through clinched teeth.

  “Seriously, it’s dead in here. Go with him,” she motioned for the door and continued to grin at me like she knew a secret.

  “Right now?” I gasped. “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. I’m the boss. I said go right now,” she waved at the door and tossed her head back laughing, before she added on, “and if you don’t…you’re fired.”

  I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms before scowling at both her and Brian. “You heard the lady,” he pushed lightly on my shoulder. “Get your stuff. I have an extra helmet outside.”

  Grumbling, I tossed my bar equipment on the counter, grabbed my purse, and muttered, “You planned this,” as I made my way to the bar pass and out into the restaurant.


  Once outside, Brian placed a pair of silver aviators over his eyes and slipped the dark helmet on. He unstrapped the spare from his bike, and handed it to me. When I went to fasten the neck strap, I fumbled and he smiled at me. “Here,” he reached over and brushed my fingers out of the way as he fastened it for me.

  “Thanks,” I murmured as I darted my eyes around. I didn’t like being out in the open. I’d been running for so long that I tried to minimize my time outside.

  Brian shook his head slowly before swinging his leg over the bike. “You ok?” he tapped my shoulder lightly.

  “Sure,” I sighed. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “What?” He smiled slightly, only lifting one side of his mouth.

  “Leaving with you…this isn’t me,” I huffed out a breath and glanced around again.

  “You ok?” He asked again. “You seem jumpy.”

  “I’m fine…I just don’t usually do things like this. It’s not me at all,” I mumbled.

  “Well,” Brian grinned. “I have a habit of making people do things that they wouldn’t normally do. It’s a natural high for me,” he shrugged. “So…hold on for the ride. I won’t let you get hurt, but I don’t take it easy either.” With that, he cranked the engine and the bike roared to life. “Hop on and hold tight.”

  The bad girl in me wanted to say screw all the bad shit in my life. Run away with Brian, you’re an adult now. Start a new life, and forget the past, but then my dad’s voice would pop in and remind me that I was a good person and I needed to stop the people that were trying to hurt us. I knew the police and the Feds had people on the inside, but things were moving slower than I ever imagined and I knew that I needed to stay safe so I could take them down when the time came.

  Once seated behind him, I wrapped my arms around his middle, leaned my cheek against his leather clad back, and pressed my thighs around his hips. “Ready,” I called as I squeezed him with my arms. The bike lurched forward as Brian pulled out into traffic, and as we flew down the streets of Chicago I knew that my life was getting ready to change. I wasn’t sure how, or if it was going to be for the better, but things were definitely changing. Sam, Emily, Jessica, Susan, Mallory, and all the other girls I’d been in my life would never have gone off with someone like this. I was tired of being nobody. I wanted to be somebody and I wanted to be somebody to Brian.

  Chapter 4

  After spending most of the day cruising around the city, Brian began driving us out of town. Tori had texted me earlier and claimed that she’d be fine for the night. I wasn’t scheduled, but I had been planning to go back. It wasn’t like I didn’t have plans, but I think Tori was hoping that something would happen between Brian and I.

  When we reached the outskirts of Chicago, the sun was just beginning to set, and Brian pulled the bike off the highway. He drove farther into the suburbs, and finally stopped at what appeared to be some type of an overlook. He cut the engine and climbed off before reaching out to help me stand.

  After removing his helmet, he ran his hand through his hair causing it to stand on end. “It’s nice to get away sometimes,” he smiled at me as he set the helmet on the bike and helped me remove mine.

  “I wouldn’t know,” I stared off into the distance. It was really pretty where we were. The sun was setting over the trees. Beautiful oranges, pinks, and purples were spreading across the sky. A soft breeze blew through the trees causing the leaves to ruffle. Fireflies and crickets were just starting to come out and bring the signs of evening with them.

  “Don’t you ever get out of downtown?” He grabbed the back of his neck as he watched me.

  “Not really. I like to stay close to home. I don’t really have the need to be out in the middle of nowhere,” I shrugged as I shuffled my feet and moved past him to stare out at the Chicago skyline. The buildings were slowly lighting up, bringing with them the nightlife.

  “Never?” He chuckled as he moved to stand behind me.

  “No, never,” I stiffened when I felt him get close enough to press himself into my back.

  “You ok?” He placed a hand on my shoulder, but I side-stepped him. I didn’t want to try and explain why he was making me uncomfortable. There were so many factors that added into that. I’d been on the run for so long, and I didn’t know him. I never trusted anyone, I couldn’t. I never let anyone get close enough to know me, and the idea that Brian was trying to was slowly killing me.

  “I’m fine,” I blew out a breath and stepped away, causing his hand to fall.

  “You don’t let anybody in, do you?”

  “No, I don’t,” I left it that, but I knew he wanted more. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I get it; I’ve been burned, too,” he reached toward my shoulder, and this time I didn’t move away. “So…” he trailed off and then began toeing his boot in the gravel at our feet.

  “So?” I glanced up at him and ran my tongue along my lower lip. He swallowed as he watched me and squeezed his eyes shut as if he was in pain.

  “Fuck, I can’t take this anymore,” the words came out as a harsh whisper, and before I knew, it his arms banded around me and crushed me to his chest as his lips quickly descended on my mouth.

  It was euphoric and drugging at the same time…his lips. They melded to mine as if they were meant to be there. Soft and sure, but firm as well. He groaned as I surrendered and ran my hands up his arms, finally locking them around his neck. His hands traveled around my waist, and slid downward until finally cupping my butt. He squeezed lightly, and I gasped, letting him in at the same time. His tongue took gentle swipes inside my mouth, slow at first, but as I deepened the kiss, he began to probe deeper. My world was slowly changing and Brian was blowing open the doors that had been long sealed shut. The possibility of having something real was right on the doorstep. It was waiting for me to give into the fantasy.

  “Mallory,” he moaned as my hands began to travel upward, seeking out the soft hair of his nape. “You drive me fucking crazy. Come home with me,” he begged as he pushed me against the ridge in his pants. I knew he wanted me. I knew the minute he started flirting with me in the bar that he wanted this; I just wasn’t sure if I did. Could I do this with someone that I might be able to care about? With everything that I had going on, could I add to the craziness by putting a man in the mix? What happened when it was time for me to leave again?

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” I mumbled against his mouth as he continued to grind himself against me.

  “It’s a great idea,” he panted. “I want you, and I know you wan
t me. Give me a chance,” he begged as his lips began trail down one cheek and make their way toward my neck.

  “Brian,” I released my grip on his hair, and pushed lightly against his chest, effectively breaking the moment. “This is all,” I waved between us, “going really fast.”

  “I know,” he shook his head as if clearing it, and stepped back. “I can’t explain it, though. You remind me of someone…someone I used to care about…someone who I once loved. I know you’re not her, but you make me feel things, things I don’t think I would feel if you weren’t you.”

  I scrunched my nose up and scowled, “You want me because I’m like someone else?”

  “Shit,” he groaned as he grabbed at his hair and pulled. “That came out wrong.” He began pacing back-and-forth as I stood and watched. “I knew this girl a long time ago…you remind me of her…that’s all. I like you for you.”

  “You don’t even know me,” I rolled my eyes. It was the truth, but I felt kinda bad giving him a hard time. He reminded me of Dev, but after what he just confessed, there was no way I was going to tell him I was doing the same thing.

  “I want to though,” he grinned as he moved closer. “I’d like to know you real well.” He leaned in and captured my mouth once again, but this time he pulled away before I could deepen it. Just as I was beginning to protest, we heard a light roaring sound in the distance.

  “Fuck!” He growled. “We need to go! Now!” He reached for me and began pulling me toward his bike as the roar got closer. He shoved the helmet in my direction directing me to put it on, and flipped the visor down just as a group of three bikes pulled in shining their headlights on us. “Keep the visor down, and don’t talk…no matter what. Got it?” He spoke hurriedly as he pushed me behind him. He stood there shielding me as the men that had just arrived cut their engines, and began removing their helmets.

  “Brian, what are you doing out here, man?” the tallest of three asked as he ambled closer. He had tats crawling up both arms and a cigarette hanging from his mouth.