Being Nobody (The Witness Series #1) Read online

Page 12

  I picked a navy shirt and tugged it on, before turning and continuing my exploration. True, I’d stayed here a few times, but this was the first time I’d been here without Brian. I felt slightly scandalous here among his things without him, but I didn’t care. I yearned to be normal, and do normal things, and it seemed that I was getting a glimpse of that today.

  I pulled the towel from my head, and finger combed my wet hair before padding into the kitchen. After making myself a cup of coffee, I started my treasure hunt. I knew I was being nosy, but who knew when I’d get to do this again. I began opening drawers and cabinets. I found wine, a weird type of ‘health nut’ cereal, tons of Doritos, and enough Mt. Dew to fill a pool. Brian definitely liked his soda and chips. I giggled as I closed the pantry. Next, I went back to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and looked over the contents. Tylenol, Band-Aids, condoms, and what looked like lube of some sort. It was too rolled up to read the label. I sighed as I shook my head. Guys were so predictable.

  After leaving the bathroom, I wandered into his closet. I think this was my favorite place in the entire loft. The smell of his cologne filled the air and every type of clothing made surrounded me. Brian had always worn torn jeans and a t-shirt, but I was beginning to see that he did own other things. He actually had a suit, and several sets of shirts and ties. It made no sense to me why he had these things, but I brushed it off. Maybe it was from another life, the life he’d had before the one he has now. Several pairs of shoes lined the bottom of the closet: boots, sneakers, even flip-flops.

  When I pushed farther into the closet, I noticed the clothes weren’t hanging correctly at the back. I waited for a second, debating whether I should dig further into his privacy. My heart was screaming at me to leave it alone. It told me I was going to end up finding something that I didn’t want to know about, but my head didn’t care. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before pushing my way into the far back corner. I shoved a few shirts out of the way and gasped at what I saw. There, pressed into the corner, was a safe. It was small, black, and had a key pad on the front. What could he possibly need with a safe? I sat down on the floor and crossed my legs as I examined it. I knew I’d never get it open, but I wondered if I should ask him about it.

  Before I could ponder it for too long, I heard a door open in the distance. “Mallory?” He called tiredly.

  “Shit!” I hissed. I scrambled to my feet and darted out of the closet just as Brian tossed his jacket on the back of the couch.

  “What are you…” He trailed off and then grinned as his eyes traveled over my body? “I like this,” he smirked.

  “Do you now?” I giggled as I slowly walked in his direction.

  When I reached him, he lifted his hand to cup my jaw, “I thought you were going to keep the bed warm.”

  “I did for a while. You’ve been gone a long time,” I shrugged and looked away. “I wanted to get cleaned up.”

  “Probably a waste of time,” he mused.

  “No,” I slowly shook my head. “Not a waste of time at all,” I grinned at him. “I want to go out tonight.”

  “Huh?” He blinked a few times at my change in subject.

  “On a date,” I swallowed. “I want you to take me out on a date. All we do is hang out at my place or here,” I glanced around. “I want to do things that normal couples do,” I bit my lip as I glanced up at him.

  “A date, huh?” He smirked. “I think I can manage that.”

  “Really? You’re not mad?” I wrapped my arms around his middle before leaning into him and dropping my head to his chest.

  “No,” he sighed “just tired. How about you let me get a little sleep, and then I’ll take you on a real date,” he pressed a kiss to the top of my head just as a yawn escaped.

  “Sounds good,” I backed out of his embrace and pulled him toward the bed. It was still rumbled from last night’s events, and the sheets smelled like us. Brian stripped out of his jeans and t-shirt and climbed in, pulling me to his chest.

  “I like coming home and finding you here. It’s nice,” he yawned again.

  “I like being here,” I murmured as I buried my face in his chest. The longer we stayed like that, the more I could feel his erection growing against my belly. He began rubbing large circles on my back with his palm as he tipped his chin to capture my lips in a sweet kiss. “I thought you wanted to sleep,” I mumbled against his lips.

  “I do, but seeing you here…in my place…wearing my clothes,” he paused “it’s fucking hot, and I can’t go to sleep with the picture of you standing in my living room wearing my shirt in my head."

  “You’re crazy,” I giggled.

  “Not crazy,” his voice was rough with desire “just incredibly turned on by my hot girlfriend.”

  When he rolled us so I was on my back, his hands began to push the shirt up my body, and I knew we weren’t getting to sleep any time soon. I also knew I’d need another shower by the time he was finished. Thoughts of the safe in the closet, and its contents were pushed to the back of my mind when I felt him at my entrance. He slowly pushed forward, filling me with him and thoughts of anything but us fell to the wayside. I’d worry tomorrow, today was about this, and tonight I was getting a real date.

  Chapter 17

  After waking up from our nap, Brian took me home. He claimed that if he was going to take me on a real date, he needed to pick me up, too. So, here I was, standing in front of my mirror in the bathroom, messing with my hair as I waited for him. He told me he’d be back at six, and to dress nicely. I picked out a light cotton dress in a deep blue. It complemented my eyes; the color was dark enough that it went with the changing seasons. It was the very end of summer, and even though it was only late August, it was getting chilly in the evenings. I curled my hair in soft waves that fell just below my shoulders, and used a deep grey shadow to create a smoky eye. I blinked a few times as I examined my reflection in the mirror. I looked rather hot, if I did say so. Brian wasn’t going to know what hit him. He’d only seen me in work clothes, or jeans, or naked. I giggled thinking about that.

  Once I was finally satisfied with my appearance, I sat on the edge of my bed and waited. Brian was staying over tonight, so I didn’t need to worry about taking things to his place. I was kinda happy about that. As much as I loved his loft, it was just easier being here. Just as I grabbed my purse to place my lip-gloss inside, my phone chimed.

  On my way. Running a little late. Sorry L

  I smiled as I clicked the message off. I knew he wouldn’t stand me up, but the fact that he cared enough to apologize was sweet. I honestly hadn’t expected this side of him. Brian surprised me every day, and every time I thought I had him figured out, he’d do something else to prove me wrong. I sighed as I let my mind drift. This Brian was so sweet and caring. He wasn’t at all like the version I’d first met. This Brian didn’t seem to fit that mold in any way. Where did Max and Gage fit into all of this? If they saw him now, I know they’d do something to him. I mean, they’d beat the crap out of him the last time they were around. How was he avoiding them? Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was with them now. Maybe he was trying to keep his time with me separate from his time with them. Maybe he didn’t want to burden me with keeping his secrets. My brain was spinning so much that I almost missed the knock on my door.

  “Coming,” I called as I pushed myself into a standing position. When I reached the door, I peered through the peephole. “Who’s there?” I giggled.

  “Your humble date for the night, Miss. I’ve come to take you out on a ‘real date’,” he lifted his fingers to make air quotes as he talked to the closed door.

  I giggled as I turned the lock and heaved the door open, “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I trailed off as I looked him over. Brian was standing there dressed like I’d never seen him before. His dark jeans looked new. The usual rips and worn spots were non-existent. He still had on boots, but they weren’t his usual scuffed pair. As my eyes scanned up his body, t
hey paused at his chest. He had on a grey button-down with the sleeves rolled up his forearms. A fancy watch covered the tattoo on his wrist, but the rest were hidden under his clothes. The collar was open allowing a small sliver of his tanned chest to be exposed. I licked my lips as I continued my perusal. His hair was gelled into a messy, just woke up look, and his eyes were twinkling as he watched me.

  “Is this acceptable?” He lifted his arms and grinned at me.

  “Err,” I shrugged. “It’s ok.”

  Brian snickered, “You ready?”

  “Sure. Let me grab a jacket,” I turned and began walking toward the bed, leaving him standing in the doorway. Before I knew it, two strong arms were wrapped around me from behind. I squealed in shock as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

  “Just ok, huh?” He murmured as he kissed me right below the ear. “Well, you look beautiful. Too beautiful for me,” he mumbled as he slowly released his hold.

  “It’s amazing what a little soap and makeup can do, huh?” I teased him as I wriggled out of his arms, picked up my jacket, and slipped it on.

  “You don’t need any of that to be beautiful, but it does add to the package,” he winked and then held out his hand for me to take. “We need to get out of here now before I change my mind about this whole date thing.”

  I swallowed, “Lead the way.”


  When we arrived at the restaurant, Brian parked the car he was driving. He turned and motioned for me to stay put as he climbed out. After rounding the front end, he came over to open my door. He swept his arm out in a grand gesture and bowed as he chuckled. “M’ lady,” he grinned boyishly as he helped me out.

  After standing, I took a minute to get my bearings. This was not the man I’d been hanging around with the last few days. Who was this? And where had he come from? “Where’d you get the car? I know it’s not yours,” I wrinkled my nose as he hit the key fob to lock up the dark sedan.

  “Work,” he muttered.

  I stiffened, and stopped walking causing us to halt, “Work?”

  “Trust me, ok,” he turned and pleaded with me. “I wanted to make this right. I can’t do that on my bike. No one is going to bother us tonight,” he slowly shook his head as he glanced out in the distance at nothing in particular.

  “What’d you have to do to get this?” I pressed.

  “What?” He spun on me and released my hand in the process.

  “What’d you promise them for giving you the night off,” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I know you’re at the bottom. I wanna know what you’ve done to get all this,” I narrowed my eyes. “You live in a super nice place, you have more clothes than I do, you leave in the middle of the night, and now this car…what’d you do?”

  “You’re never gonna trust me, are you? It’s always gonna be like this,” he shook his head and muttered something that I couldn’t understand. “I didn’t DO anything,” he stressed. “I asked for a favor. It was granted. End of story. Now,” he pointed to the building behind us “I have reservations for us in there. Are you going to join me?” He stood there waiting for me to answer; I couldn’t tell if he was more angry or hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “It’s none of my business.”

  “You have to trust me, Mallory. I would never hurt you on purpose,” he moved forward so we were almost touching. “Let’s go in there and have a nice meal. Ok?”

  “Ok,” I nodded as I reached for his hand and entwined our fingers. “Can you do me a favor, though,” I looked up at him and tried to smile.

  “What’s that?” he smirked.

  “Can you act like the Brian I’m used to? This one is throwing me off,” I flicked the collar of his shirt as I grinned at him.

  “I didn’t know there was a difference,” he shrugged.

  “Oh there is, and it’s driving me nuts. I never know which one I’m hanging out with…Which one is the real you?” I sucked my lip into my mouth as I glanced up at him.

  His eyes darkened as he watched me before tugging me inside, “Come on.”

  Once inside the dimly lit restaurant, Brian strode up to the hostess stand and gave the girl standing there his name. She smiled flirtatiously at him and blushed. When he stepped back to stand beside me, she scanned her eyes up and down. I knew she was scrutinizing me. I’m sure she wondered what I had that she didn’t. Brian was hot, and I began to notice whenever we were around a group of people, the women stared. I wondered how many there had been in the past, but Brian’s possessive hand on my back brought me back to the present and pushed all other thoughts to the side.

  “Is this ok?” The hostess looked at Brian and she completely ignored me.

  “Sure,” Brian smiled back at her as he released his hold on me to pull out a chair. We were tucked away in a corner. There was one chair with its back to the door, and the other with its back to the corner. Brian pulled out the chair that faced the corner for me, and waited.

  “Won’t you have more room if you take this one?” I wrinkled my nose as I watched him. “I can squeeze back there.”

  “It’s fine. You sit here. I like being against the wall,” he smirked.

  “Don’t you mean you like me against the wall,” I offered a coy smile.

  “Watch it,” he warned as he leaned in next to my ear. “Have a seat,” he motioned for me to sit down then he rounded the table to take the spot opposite me.

  As I shifted in my chair to get comfortable, I picked up the menu and began scanning it. I couldn’t help but watch Brian out of the corner of my eye. He looked slightly uncomfortable, and he kept scanning the room like he was worried about something.

  “Are you ok?” I reached across the table and placed my hand over his.

  “I’m fine,” he shook his head lightly. “I’m just not used to being out in fancy places like this…that’s all.”

  “We didn’t have to go anywhere fancy,” I cocked my head to the side.

  “Yes, we did,” he picked up his own menu and began scanning it. “You deserve to be taken to places like this.”

  “Thank you,” I mumbled as I released his hand and looked back at the menu in front of me. I had no idea what I wanted. It had been so long since I’d been anywhere. I was always working, or at my mom’s. I never did things like this. I didn’t date, and I really didn’t have any close friends. My life was so different now with Brian in it. I silently wondered how long it would last. Would I still be in this situation in six months? Would Brian and I be this close still? Will I tell him who I am before then?

  “Mallory?” Brian’s voice broke into my thoughts. “What are you going to have?”

  I blinked a few times before my eyes connected with his. He nodded his head in the direction of the server that was standing by our table. “Ummm,” I licked my lips and fidgeted in my seat. “I think I’ll have the sirloin?” it came out more as a question than a statement, “with a baked potato and a salad.”

  “Very well,” the server scribbled on the pad in front them, grabbed our menus, and scurried away.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “My mind’s a little out there tonight.”

  “That’s ok,” Brian chuckled. “I’d rather have your full attention later tonight.”

  “You’re terrible,” I giggled.

  “Only around you,” he mused. “You bring out a side of me that I forgot I had.”

  “Really?” I kicked my shoe off under the table and crossed my legs. I placed my elbows on the edge of the table and leaned forward. As I zeroed in on his face, I let my bare foot skim up the inside of his leg. His eyes flashed momentarily, but he recovered quickly and an unaffected expression slipped into place. As my foot drifted higher, Brian’s hand slipped under the table. When I reached the obvious bulge in his pants, he hissed and grabbed my foot.

  “I’m warning you, now,” he growled. “Think about what you’re starting because I will finish it,” he released my foot just as our server approached with our food.

  “Oh, I’m counting on it,” I grinned as I grabbed my fork and stabbed at my salad.

  “Mallory?” Brian’s voice was rough as he picked up his glass of water and swallowed.

  “What?” I shrugged as I fought to hold back the smile that was trying to form.

  “Game on,” he muttered as he spun some of his pasta on his fork. “It is so on.”

  Game on indeed, I thought to myself as I grinned. Brian was playful tonight. I liked playful Brian, and I couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for us later. I squeezed my thighs together, searching for a little relief, hoping he wouldn’t notice, but when I saw his trademark smirk slip into place, I knew he had. Oh, it was so on!

  Chapter 18

  After leaving the restaurant that night, Brian suggested going for a drive. It was early still, and I didn’t mind. I rarely got out, and it was a nice evening. As we meandered through the city, the conversation in the car all but stopped. Brian was quiet and I really didn’t have anything to say. It was kinda nice that we could be together and just enjoy the other’s company.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Brian darted his eyes in my direction as he rounded another bend taking us farther out of the city.

  “Nothing, really. Just enjoying the quiet,” I murmured as I stared out the window.

  “You ok?” His voice was soft and tentative.

  “Yeah, why?” I turned and shifted in my seat to face him. “Shouldn’t I be?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” he puffed out a breath. “You just seem worried tonight, that’s all.”